In this course, business and executive coach and academic, Dr Jabulile Msimango-Galawe, unpacks executive coaching for entrepreneurs. Spoiler alert: yes, you do need a coach and a mentor.
In this course, business and executive coach and academic, Dr Jabulile Msimango-Galawe, unpacks executive coaching for entrepreneurs. Spoiler alert: yes, you do need a coach and a mentor.
Dr Jabulile Msimango-Galawe Teaches
In this course, Dr J highlights the difference between coaching and mentoring and explains why younger, less experienced entrepreneurs are likely to benefit more from mentoring than from coaching.
She unpacks the typical format of a coaching process, emphasises the importance of working with a properly trained and registered coach, and shares some of her entrepreneurial secrets - from how to carve out more time to keeping overheads low.
Not having had the benefit of a mentor, Jabulile decided to fill the gap for others.
From mentoring entrepreneurs, the business grew to include executives and students as well.
Dr J Biz supports people on their developmental journey.
Coaching builds self-confidence and uncovers blind spots.
It also facilitates self-development.
Sometimes entrepreneurs need mentoring to first develop the answers within themselves that coaching helps to draw out.
Coaching builds self-confidence and uncovers blind spots.
It also facilitates self-development.
Sometimes entrepreneurs need mentoring to first develop the answers within themselves that coaching helps to draw out.
Your coach must have coaching training and qualifications.
Meet with a few potential coaches to see if your personalities match.
Finding a coach is like dating - keep going till you meet the right one.
Look for someone who has achieved what you want to achieve.
It must also be someone who has an interest in your success and who will be open to share their experiences with you and guide you.
Mentoring training is not necessarily a requirement.
Start upfront with a contract that sets out the length of the coaching relationship.
Be clear about your coaching goals and what you want to achieve.
Successful coaching depends on the work you put in after the session.
You need mentoring when you are unsure about yourself and where you want to go.
Coaching is for someone who at least has an idea of what they want to achieve.
It is possible to find a coach and a mentor in the same person.
Jabulile collaborates with other entrepreneurs to get things done that she’s not good at.
When she gets projects to do, she calls on people she knows to work with her.
Some projects are done through the AIfE NPO.
Jabulile has current and former mentors and coaches.
She has different mentors for the different spaces in which she operates.
Coaching helps her with clarity and to process some of the things her coachees share with her.
You have to know why you do a PhD and how you want to use it.
Telling people that you have a PhD and what it is about, positions you and creates opportunities.
Making your PhD work for you also has financial benefits.
Dr. Jabulile Msimango-Galawe shares her secret ingredient.