Award-winning raconteur and creative legend Pierre du Plessis share the ancient, archetypal secrets to effective storytelling.
Award-winning raconteur and creative legend Pierre du Plessis share the ancient, archetypal secrets to effective storytelling.
Pierre Du Plessis Teaches
Storytelling and business go hand in hand. A great story is one sure way to win your customers over as human beings are led by emotion, and stories evoke a lot of that in us. Stories are great for inciting action in your audience, whether you want them to purchase what you're selling or you want them to stand with you in a cause.
Master storyteller Pierre du Plessis unpacks the science behind storytelling and why it's so effective for business.
Storytelling is a vocation for Pierre.
As a preacher, writer and speaker, it forms a key part of what he does.
He's been a fan for over 15 years simply because it's such a powerful tool.
Storytelling a great way to grab your customer's attention.
Humans are wired to love stories and react to them with emotion.
Humans also buy with emotion - so the business and stories add up very well.
Storytelling is one area a leader absolutely has to shine it.
Being able to tell a rousing, authentic story about your business is key.
It's a powerful tool for action but needs to be handled with caution and for good.
Businesses tend to highlight themselves when they advertise.
This makes them the hero of their story, which they shouldn't be.
The customer is the hero of the story, and your storytelling should reflect this.
A story has a commonly-accepted structure to it.
This is what makes it so powerful and effective.
The framework is often referred to as the Hero's Journey.
Pierre identifies with five key parts to a story.
The first of these is the hero, regarded as the key character in any story.
Everyone wants to be a hero - including your customer. Give them what they want.
Pierre has chosen to use five key characters of the Hero's journey.
This is unlike Miller's Hero's Journey, which has 14 parts in total.
Pierre's five key characters are the hero, what they want, the villain, the sage and the victory.
A villain is just as important to a story as a hero.
The villain creates tension in a story, which leads to attention and action.
As an entrepreneur, the problem you're trying to solve for your customer is the villain.
Pierre is an avid writer and a published author.
He shares his musings and serious life lessons as a speaker and on his website.
His book, Train Naked: A Guide to a Meaningful Life and Work That Matters, was published in 2020.
Writer's block hits everyone.
Pierre describes it as the hero taking to the couch for a Netflix session.
When this happens, he recommends shaking your hero up with a little bit of fear or drama for tension.
Pierre Du Plessis reveals his secret ingredient.