The singer-songwriter and World Champion of Public Speaking 2021 unpacks how you can uncover your life force to produce a talk that truly connects you with your audience.
Verity Price Teaches
Knowing how to speak clearly, persuasively and with heart is a great skill to have as an entrepreneur. There are many times in your journey that you will need this skill, from pitching for funding or support to giving company talks and presentations or even when you have to take part in video or audio content like our recipes. Award-winning keynote speaker and facilitator Verity Price reveals what it takes to master public speaking.
Verity's first public speaking experience was reading the Bible in front of her school.
After trying to dodge it for some time, she was finally forced to take to the stage.
She recalls anxious she was about it - she chose the shortest Bible verse and quickly ran off the stage.
Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking.
There are many theories for why we get tongue-tied and anxious in front of a crowd.
Verity believes that it's most likely a survival instinct to dislike being in the spotlight.
Before public speaking, Verity was just a musician trying to raise funds to pay for her album.
She started crowdfunding at various events and it was while doing this that she made a discovery.
When she spoke from the heart about something she was passionate about, the crowd responded well.
Verity believes that being good at public speaking is definitely beneficial.
It's great for structuring your thoughts and helping your daily conversations along.
The more you have conversations the better you get at them.
A lot of preparation should go into your presentation.
A successful presentation is 20% mechanics, 30% message and 50% life force.
All these three need to be aligned in order for your talk to have an impact.
When planning your talk, think of it as a hamburger.
The top and bottom buns represents your intro and conclusion and should be made from the same ingredients.
The patty is the message - your content should always follow the message, never the other way round.
The thing that connects you to your audience is your story.
Your personal stories should support the message you're trying to share.
Verity recommends keeping a journal to jot down your ideas and stories.
The first thing Verity does is write down her talk as it allows her to structure her thoughts.
After that, she translates the writing into her own conversational tone.
After making sure that your message and story are in place, the next step is to practice.
Public speaking for the digital age entails speaking into a screen or lens.
Regardless, you still have to keep the audience engaged, which is a bigger challenge remotely.
Don't be afraid to make use of props to liven up your acts - it's still a stage after all.
Freezing in front of a crowd is a completely natural reaction.
Practising often, in front of family, friends or your couch pillows, makes a huge difference.
If you freeze on stage, acknowledge it to your audience and start over - it can be endearing.
Verity Price shares her secret ingredient.